Mar 15, 2011


The weekend went by like a plane on steroids, dragging us after it so fast that I woke up today thinking it must be Sunday, but it wasn't Sunday it was Monday and I am glad to admit that we got a lot of things accomplished. Though the boys, Christofer and Ethan, are still working and I'll join them after I finish my blog post. I think it's important, at least for me, to take time to stop working and do something that I enjoy. Like writing, not that I don't get to write working for Zerply, indeed I write often, which is why I love working on a start-up, but it's more the fact of taking time away from the rest of the internet, it can otherwise be all consuming. Our work is never quite done and probably won't be for a few more years. I also have a tendency to check Facebook, Twitter, and blog posts a little too often. It is a part of my job, but I should be better at spacing out my time.

 Right now I am drinking tea from my sister-in-laws, Swedish tea, and listening to a worship band that we had the pleasure of hearing live yesterday evening. It's easy to forget that I no longer live in a tiny town and that local bands can be better than the average band. I had very low standards, but I was very happy to find that they were incredibly talented and entertaining. Highway band created a collect of hymns old and new that they had made it into a album. It was such a wonderful atmosphere at a wonderful coffe house called RedRock with dear friends Lindsey and Claudia plus husbands Adam and Jesse, which, of course, made for a grand night!

Smart phones galore!
Lead singer
The magazine was about LOST, which she loves
Take one
Take 2 Lindsey putting on her gangsta move

Christofer and I then walked home, since Ethan was still at his race. It rained on us, but the California rain is often so warm that we didn't really mind at all. I know I am constantly talking about the amazing Cali weather and flowers, and perhaps I should be less enthusiastic, but I figure I might as well enjoy it while it lastest, besides it's my first winter in warm climate. I promise to be better next year =)

 Goodness, it's already 10 pm. I might just head for bed instead.


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