Feb 18, 2010


I have recently been contemplating the true nature of humility. I believe, correct me if I am wrong, it is something everyone struggles with whether you are a person who believes in yourself or a person with extremely low self esteem. I, as many girls do, battled a very low self image for many years. For a time, perhaps unconsciously, I thought humility was the act of thinking and speaking good things over others and thinking meanly of yourself. After a while I began to realize that not only was it a distractive behavior, but that it went completely against Gods word. I then switched to the mind set that humility must be that you don't think about yourself at all and instead focus all your energy and strength on others. However, since then I have come to the realization that humility, as many things in life, is about balance. The scripture 'Do not think more highly of yourself than you aught to,' is so down to earth and simple. Do not think your great, but do not forget that you are worthy of greatness through Christ. Charles H. Spurgeon sums it up with "Humility is to make a right estimate of one's self".  I love that! Humility is so incredibly essential to the Christian walk. Yet, it is not easily attained, I'm pretty sure it's a life long pursuit, but it is a pursuit that will reap life long rewards.

    'Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot.'
                                         - Thomas More

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