Oct 24, 2010

Rain, rain on my face.

Yes I do live in California, and yes I did not believe the rather spoiled Californians(spoiled when it comes to weather that is) when they said it rains a lot, but recently, well, the past two days, it has rained quite a lot. Today I was at a baby shower in Gilroy and on the way home I literally thought an accident had occurred, but no it was just the rain. People are so shocked around here after being tricked by the four straight months of solid sunshine that they have no capacity to actually drive in it. I'm not saying I'm better equipped, I drove slowly because I was afraid that I would plow into someone, I mean I have driven in snow, rain and hail, but all things considered. Alright, so I was a little proud of my rough upbringing, I mean I plowed snow when I was sixteen for crying out loud, but I do know that pride doesn't help in any circumstance so I drove at the normal speed and passed a few rather fancy cars in my little Toyota. :)

 All and all it's been a rather eventless week. Christofer has been a bit under the weather, which has lead to us watching a little more tv then actually needed and my little brother Ethan has officially moved in. Ethan does have a way of lighting up the house, he keeps us smiling even when we don't want to and he has a way of sounding like an expert about everything. He is also very handy, so lots of things have been fixed and put in place, Score! Other than that he is an 18yr old guy and all that implies, so a few nods and sighs have been directed his way when I take on my 'older sister' identity, but all and all we are grateful he is here. He sure brings a new dimension to the house of silent programmer, business guy and wife. A good dimension.

  On a new note, I am off soon for a week at Liberty College in Virginia. I am SOO looking forward to it. I need a break from guys. What's better than meeting my two best friends and sister. Joy!


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