Feb 2, 2011


  Taaniel and Christofer were gone for the better part of the day, so Ethan, Luke and I stayed inside and worked. I did get some stuff done, but as always lots more to do. When T and Ch arrived home, we had a nice long chat, lots of exciting things happening. Ch and I then went on a run and came back so hungry that we could barely think straight, however we were waiting for Ethan, who was out riding, so we cleaned and waited. He arrived home around 8 and we headed out to 'The Counter' probably one of the best burger joints ever! I'm not a huge fan of bugers, but there is just something about building your own burger with all your favorite ingredients, oh and the fact that they have out of this World milkshakes. I can't write anymore my stomach is so stuffed it hurts recall it. It was so good!

  By far a wonderful day.

 Oh and I've asked Ethan to clean his bathroom probably 10 times, the first 2 I was nice about it, the next 6 I was a little less nice, and the last 2 times I've been annoyed. I decided to try a new tactic, one I hope will work.
A bit hard to read but the last part says 'Clean your bathroom. Your affectionate sister, E.Karltorp.' We shall see if it works. I'm trying to act in a more roommate way instead of an older sister.


Caroline said...

Haha! Du är så svensk! ;)

D. Imfeld said...

Hehe, I like that you signed a message to your brother as E. Karltorp.

I still haven't been to The Counter yet. Heard it's very good though.

Lize said...

Success! Though it wasn't until Christofer told him to, what is it with guys listening to guys but not to us girls! Daniel the Counter is amazing! Must go :)