Dec 18, 2009

Plotting, Planning and Preparing

Christofer and Taaniel have lots of plans up their sleeves and among them one includes us moving, moving very soon, but in the wrong direction. Well, what I consider the wrong direction, but it will only be over a short period and hopefully it will produce something positive. It is all for the sake of zerply, little zerply has become very hungry and seems to want to eat up all our lives. Hopefully big zerply will be able to aid the guys in their dreams. I just tag along for the heck of it. Well, no that’s not true, I love Christofer too much to be left behind and I have a feeling Christofer's feelings are mutual. We are, after all, a family.  Once in awhile selfishness takes over and I start stressing over the fact that I don't have a career, but then I remember that God has a plan for our lives. Us, not just Christofer, or not just me, but us together.
    It’s exciting, stressful, and definitely not the normal thing to do, but I'm pretty sure it will all work out. Actually God promises that 'all thing work together for good for those who love him and are called according to his purposes'. I just hope we are working within his purposes.

  I think the hardest thing is trying to keep my head on straight. I have a tendency to see doom in all circumstances, but I'm trying to be excited and see this as an adventure of a lifetime.

  On to today, the snow is still here and I went outside to take some pictures! I shall post them below. I had to track through the lots to make it to the laundry room.

  See you on the flip side.





         On my way to do the  laundry


emelie said...

ååå eliza bloggis bloggar!! mkt trevligt litet ställe det h'är!

Lize said...


Taaaaa said...

Jag håller med föregående. Tro på ditt skrivande.