Hate being sick and have discovered that its even worse being sick in, once again, another new foreign Country. I have no mom, not even a mother-in-law, to feel bad for me and no friends or siblings to bring me hot chicken soup and ginger ale. All right, have to stop there otherwise I'm going to start crying...it, in other words, sucks to be sick. I'm sure I'll be better soon and life will seem bright again, but being at home alone in a home that hasn't yet had time to feel like home is absolutely the worse scenario. On top of all that the macbook is just about to run out of battery and the charger is at the office.
So, hope you are all feeling very sorry for me and I hope in return that I can someday feel bad for you.
Ahh, the fatal reserve battery signal.
I guess I'm allowed to fall a few tears. I promise that my next post won't be as depressing.
1 comment:
Hey, I feel sorry for you. I too have been sick in Tallinn by myself in a hotel room (proabbly your new place feels like that) and it ain't no fun. Pretend I'm there to give you gingerale and cheese balls, one of my memories of being sick when I was little is that mom would give me ginger ale and cheese balls while I was allowed to sleep in HER bed and watch TV!!! Almost, being sick when you are little is better than healthy. Of course not now. I'm pretty sure that Aivo has some James Bond books that make for good sick reading. He also has really boring books regarding the bios of great charismatic healers - exactly what you don't want. I miss you and hope you feel better soon. Have some plum juice and those small salty rolls when you are feeling better and think of me.
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