Nov 18, 2010

A little breather

Working on Zerply's 'frequently asked questions.' I needed a little break to work through some thoughts.

  It's been a strange week so far. I've discovered lots that I need to work on and lots that I wish I already knew. After Christofer's youngest sister left life sort of went back to 'normal.' I don't really have a 'normal' life, but things calmed down, at least for a while.

  Rather nice, helps us focus on Zerply and life here in Mountain View. Our goal is to try and be more of an impact. It's easy to disappear in a new place, which has been good for awhile, but I think Christofer and I need people around us, we need to encourage and be encouraged, so we are aiming to get more involved, whatever that may entail. Our Church has been so great and our dear friends Adam and Lindsey and our gym. God is so good to us, even when weeks feel out of ordinary.

 Christofer and I have several back up plans in case things don't work out here in Cali, our new plan is missionaries in a Third World Country, then we will disappear, but for now, we are putting the pedal to the metal.

  Hello Cali.


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