As Caroline and Emelie, the last of our guest and family, left on Monday morning, this week has allowed us to settle back into the normal daily life. Though our daily life isn't so normal. It has been wonderful with Zerply, lots of people signing up and lots of e-mails flowing back and forth, so much actually that I have barely had time to Facebook; considering it's me, well, that means I must be very busy. It's fun though, I really do enjoy answering inquires, hearing peoples thoughts and ideas. I am amazed that people actually take the time to write five points of ways to improve our site, putting that time and effort into complete strangers work is really fascinating and just goes to show how powerful a tool internet has become.
Tonight, I am not working because I'm feeling under the weather and after attempting to take a bath, the water was lukewarm, a lukewarm bath is not a real bath! I sit here drinking tea, looking at Facebook pictures, contemplating life and missing Sweden. Well, missing everyone in Sweden and especially my in-laws. I am one of those rare birds that was blessed with wonderful parent-in-laws and wonderful sister-in-laws. It was so nice to have Caroline, but now she and everyone else is gone, I am left with mixed feelings of gratefulness and sadness. Ever since I was 18 my days have been a constant saying of goodbyes and a lot of missing people, yet I never dreamed of having such an adventurous and marvelous life, filled with so many fabulous people. I am so blessed and though I fail to love the people who are closes to me and though I fall short of even the smallest tasks I am so undeserving of the grace that I receive again and again. God is so good to me.
MIn allra käraste svägerska! Jag har helt missat att du har uppdaterat så duktigt.. nu har jag läst ikapp lite och får se till att kika in här lite oftare. Jag saknar dig också, nästa gång jag kommer över kanske det inte är lika galet (vilket iofs är roligt det med!) så vi hinner ta tid att bara prata.. jag är glad att vi fick de där sista dagarna ändå, det betydde mycket! Nu sitter jag här i min nya lägenhet, allt är en enda röra och jag är så trött. Jetlag är bajs, har inte kunnat somna förrän framåt 5-tiden de senaste nätterna. Men men. Jag är så välsignad som har en underbar familj i USA, men det är så långt bort ibland! Saknar vardagstid med Christofer och dig :) Hm. Jag ska försöka sova nu. Men jag var ju tvungen att skriva en lååång kommentar, making up for missing the others ;) Älskar dig!
Tack Carol. Jag läser faktiskt din blogg ofta och jag är så glad att den finns! Saknar dig massor.
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