Jan 26, 2011

Short post

This is a race against time since my mac's battery is about to die any minute and, well, I do feel the urge to write, but I don't really have the energy to retrieve my charger. The charger is downstairs and I am up stairs.

20 things I've been thinking about today:
  1. I need to be more productive. 
  2. Christofer can't satisfy all my needs. 
  3. Only God can.
  4. Luke Beard is a really great guy, I'm so happy he joined our team.
  5. Living in California is absolutely breathtaking, but also extremely lonely at times.
  6. I'm not as clever as I think I am.
  7. I am more talented then I give myself credit for.
  8. I have an obsession with wanting to go to College to prove my worth.
  9. College won't prove anything.
  10. I am terrible at not itching my poison oak outbreak. 
  11. The days fly by.
  12. God is good and faithful, even when I am not.
  13. Lemonade is delicious.
  14. I should read more. 
  15. Lost is a tv series that you will never stop thinking about. 
  16. Christofer says one thing and does another.
  17. Men must have short memories.
  18. Ethan and Taaniel are probably the best men in the World to live with.
  19. My Orchid is still blooming, I smile every time I see it.
  20. It's my Mother's Birthday today. Happy Birthday Mom! 
 Not necessarily in that order, but that basically sums up my day. I can't really believe that today went so fast. It's 11pm and I am very tired. The picture below was taken by Luke. Isn't it lovely?! It seems to capture my day, rather well too. 

Off to bed.


 I do believe I need to sleep.


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